Removable, cost effective solution for tooth loss
Dentures have been replacing teeth for hundreds of years! Today, with modern technology they are virtually flawless.
Dentures - include full or partial, acrylic or chrome/metal.
Full dentures can be made to replace old, bacteria-filled previously worn dentures, or made from scratch.
Patients who require all their teeth removed or some teeth removals, particularly those teeth that are noticeably visible can have their denture made in an 'immediate' fashion and inserted the day of their tooth removals. This way, you are not left with no teeth during the healing phase.
Chrome or metal dentures usually are preferable for mouths with no active decay or gum disease, and often feel more comfortable then acrylic dentures.
Acrylic or plastic dentures usually are the most cost effective, and easily repaired, added to or adjusted.

Removable solution
Improved chewing and speaking
Natural function and look
Improved facial appearance
Prevention of bone loss
Special care required
Some dentures can be loose and extra support necessary (implants)
Diet can be restrictive
Can be changed or updated